This week...

...was the busiest week I've had in quite some time.  We did an entire week of English Camp with 40 Austrian kids and had a team from St. Andrews Pres in FL come over to help out.  It was such a blessing to watch these kids being loved on and them loving on us as well.

On Friday, we went to the Prater and had a picnic and played on this AMAZING playground there.  European playgrounds have no rules and get away with a LOT...which means a LOT of fun :)  Check out that slide...!

Saturday, the roomies and I took a day trip over to Bratislava, Slovakia.  Bratislava is a small town but worth the visit.  It was a former communist city and there are several buildings that you can see across the Danube that have that "communist feel" to them.  We climbed up a large hill (in 90 degree heat!) to the castle that overlooks the city and before that, had a traditional Slovakian lunch.

When we got back to Vienna, we headed to the Stephansdom Cathedral to hear Handel's Messiah.  It was beautiful and the music was stellar.  However, this morning we were dragging and I think we are all grateful for a slower week these next few days!


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