Freunde, Amis, Amigas, Friends

I know I always brag on them, but here I go again. My friends at GCTS have been one of the most constant things in my life lately. Whether or not they understand this whole transition thing I've started going through and processing, they still love me unconditionally and listen to me when I just need to talk through something (verbal processor, you know!).

Last night, I was having a rough time of it. Nothing really happened. I had gone to study w/Brie at Starbucks and was fine until I left and it hit me that I would be leaving here in exactly 10 weeks. For the last year and a half, I've been used to seeing these people on a day-to-day basis. I told Sean the other day, "I don't know when I'll see you again after May!" and in his sweet, reassuring way, he said, "You'll see me again."

So anyway, last night, I came back to my room and just let it all out. Maybe it was that I hadn't cried in a while or that it suddenly hit me just how fast everything was coming, but I had a good cry on my couch. Poor Melissa came at that time to catch up and saw me in tears, but listened to me as I said, "I don't know why I'm like this right now."

No matter where I go, God always provides me with some of the sweetest people to have as friends and share life with me. I know that when I move back to Germany, I'll be reunited with old friends but that He will grant me new friends as well.

If you're reading this from GCTS, I hope you know I'm more grateful for you than you'll ever realize.

PS Sorry for getting a little sappy here. Perhaps tomorrow's post will contain some element of humor :)


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