
Yesterday was kind of a harrowing travel day. I got to spend some extra time with Lindsay and that was obviously beyond great. But by the time I made it to the Antrims I was exhausted and felt even more sick than I had earlier in the day. After catching up on some television, I made my way to bed and literally crashed as soon as my head hit the pillow. I don't even remember what I dreamed about last night and since most of you know I have pretty vivid dreams, that's kind of saying something about how tired I was.  

It made me think about how tired we sometimes get from trying to handle life on our own. Ultimately, we know we should give whatever it is over to the Lord so that he can take care of it, but we still hold onto it and become exhausted doing so. Finally, we relinquish and it's only after we do that that we feel the release and are able to truly relax. 

I recently was able to let go of a few things I'd been holding onto in my life. I didn't realize how exhausting it was until I let Jesus take it from me. I can't explain the peace I experienced, but I'm sure if you've been there, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28


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